E3 Tools: Jesus Stories

June 27, 2023

Jesus Stories

Memorize a few of the stories listed below. Then, use the tips and examples below to help you share those stories in conversation with others. These stories are a strategic way to Engage someone’s heart in deeper conversation. Use these to Engage someone today!

1 The Mustard Seed Matthew 13:31-32
2 Leaven and Bread Matthew 13:33
3 Hidden Treasure Matthew 13:44
4 Valuable Pearl Matthew 13:45-46

Guided Conversation Tips:

  1. Create a lead-in sentence.
  2. Share the story as best as you can and summarize or emphasize the main points.
  3. Ask pointed, follow-up questions.

Matthew 13:31-32

  1. "Let me tell you a story…"
  2. A man sowed a mustard seed in his field. Mustard seeds start small, but they grow to become a tree, so that birds can nest in its branches (Matthew 13:31-32).
  3. What are you sowing into the hearts of your family, friends, or teammates?

Matthew 13:33

  1. "You know how…"
  2. A woman adds yeast to her dough, and it leavens the entire loaf (Matthew 13:33).
  3. What impact does that have on you, your family, friends, or teammates?

Matthew 13:44

  1. "That reminds me of a story…"
  2. There was a man who discovered a treasure that was so valuable, in his joy he went and sold all he had to get it (Matthew 13:44).
  3. What’s the greatest treasure in your life?

Matthew 13:45-46

  1. "Think about it this way…"
  2. There’s a merchant searching for fine pearls. One day he finds a pearl so valuable that he sells all of his others to buy it (Matthew 13:45-46).
  3. What’s the most valuable thing that you’re searching for right now?

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