Matthew 13:44-46

July 11, 2022


Take a couple minutes to listen to Priceless by Cass & V. Rose and check out the lyrics here.

Think of something in your life that you can put a price on. Name something in your life that is priceless.

Lebron James Witness VI Coconut milk/polarized blue


1994 Razorback Men's Basketball National Championship


What makes a national championship priceless?

Only 1 team gets to experience it, all the hard work put into it, it’s an exclusive club. Many will play for a national championship but only one team will win. No amount of money could buy you this experience.


Main Idea: The Kingdom of God is the most valuable treasure ever to all who believe and receive it. It is a priceless pearl. Those who discover and recognize the worth of living life under the rule of God will sacrifice anything of earthly value for participation in his kingdom.


Background Information:

  • Written in the mid-50s AD
  • Book of Matthew written by Matthew, known as Levi, a tax collector – tax collectors were not liked during these times; often would over charge the people and get rich.
  • Having heard the words of Jesus and seen his works, Matthew left his job to follow Jesus and become one of his disciples.
  • Matthew is introducing the Kingdom and the Messiah.
  • It is the culmination of the Old Testament.
  • Gives convincing evidence that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the long-waited King, who would come to save the world.
  • The Kingdom has come – go and make disciples.

Jesus spoke in parables to help us understand. His mind is above ours and so by presenting the gospel in parables, we can comprehend the meaning because we understand stories.

There are two parables – Jesus pairs two illustrations, each with their individual emphases, to reinforce the point and introduce new meaning.

  • First Parable - TREASURE (Matt. 13:44)
  • The hidden treasure is found “by chance,” it seems, without the man looking intentionally for it.
  • In finding this treasure, “in his joy”, the (merchant) goes and sells everything he has and buys that field.
  • Second Parable – PEARL (Matt. 13:45-46)
  • Why did Jesus use a merchant – merchants were people who bought and sold goods “merchandise” – they are very well versed in the worth or value of possessions.
  • In the ancient world pearls were very precious, more valuable than gold – and this merchant is seeking FINE pearls. (his palette is refined)
  • The merchant is intentional in his search and is overjoyed in what he has found – this pearl is exceedingly precious and more valuable than anything he owns.
  • The Cost
  • The Kingdom of God is the most valuable treasure to those who believe AND receive.
  • Those who believe AND receive are most valuable to the Kingdom.
  • There are two people: Those who are pursuing Christ and those who are opposed to Him (enemies of Christ)
  • We are to constantly examine our faith! 
  • We have a tendency to hoard things, people, experiences that take up so much space in our lives that there is no room for God. (Numbers 11:4-6)
  • Is God enough? Often, we want God + ______________.
  • God will never be enough if you don’t want Him.
  • Following Jesus WILL cost us something. What are YOU giving up or sacrificing to get closer to Him?

The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and of the Priceless Pearl

44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure, buried in a field, that a man found and reburied. Then in his joy he goes and sells everything he has and buys that field.

45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. 46 When he found one priceless pearl, he went and sold everything he had and bought it.

Matthew 13:44-46 CSB

  • What does this teach us about God?

    • God loves us. Through Jesus Christ and his resurrection, He has invited us into his Kingdom to share in this priceless gift of salvation, whether you’ve heard the gospel intentionally or unintentionally.
    • His love, salvation, his Kingdom, the Church – it is priceless. You cannot put a price tag on its value.
  • What does this teach us about people/ourselves?

    • Those of us who understand the value of the Kingdom of God would do (or give up) anything to have it. It is that precious.
    • We all have access to the Kingdom of God, intentionally or unintentionally.
  • By God's grace, how will you obey?

    • I will live my life as though the Kingdom of God is priceless. I will sacrifice and give up anything that distracts me from walking with God.
    • I will share the gospel with others because I understand the value of the Kingdom and I want others to experience it too.
    • I will walk in obedience and do what the Lord says.
    • I will stay prayed up and read my word.

Prayer: Father God, we thank you for this day. We thank you for those that are gathered here to hear your word. God, we know that your word is true and we ask that you penetrate our hearts and minds today as we learn more about you. God, I pray that you would speak through me so that your voice is elevated and that you might get the honor and glory. Thank you for every person gathered here and for those that could not make it. May be take what is said today and apply it in our daily lives so that we may grow in our faith. God you are good, God you are holy, and God you are priceless.

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