E3 Tools: Heart Questions

June 23, 2023

Heart Questions

Everywhere in the world, athletes know when the coach blows the whistle, athlete’s better pay attention. In the Bible, the word Shema has the same effect. It means “Listen!” or “Hear!” For example, Deuteronomy 6:4 says, “Listen, O Israel! The LORD is our God. The LORD alone.” Statements like this are used to grab our attention, to make us listen, and to make us recognize the importance of the message.

Statements like these can spark a spiritual conversation in an instant. Like a seed, these statements or words start small, but if sown in the right soil, they can grow into a large, fruitbearing tree. If you combine this kind of statement with a pointed question, you have a way to Engage someone’s heart. We believe that the intersection of sport and faith can be fertile soil for spiritual conversations. Below are some examples of what we call Heart Questions for coaches and athletes. They’re small statements packed with significance and coupled with a question to Engage the heart. Try one today or make up your own!

I spend time in prayer as part of my pre-game routine. What does your pre-game routine look like?
I have a Bible verse that I keep in my locker. What keeps you focused when you compete?
When I play, my faith is a source of confidence. What gives you confidence as an athlete?
Ultimately, I hope to bring glory to God by how I coach or compete. What motivates you to coach or compete?
I feel poised in competition because no matter what happens, I know that God is in control and that He loves me. How do you stay sensible and level-headed?
When I play, my faith is a source of confidence. What gives you confidence as an athlete?
I know this injury has been devastating. Can I pray for you?
Rest assured, God made you exactly as He wanted. Do you ever feel inferior or incapable as an athlete/coach? Or maybe envious of others?
My identity is in Jesus Christ. This allows me to compete with freedom and joy. Have you ever felt like that?
God is really teaching me about the importance of _____ as an athlete/coach. What important lesson(s) are you learning right now?
I’m thankful that my worth and my value aren’t based on what I do on the field or court. Do you struggle with finding your worth or value in sport?
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