While in San Marcos, TX, Lyndsay started attending Promised Land church where Pastor Robin Steele led a sermon series called "ALL IN". It was the first time Lyndsay had heard the Gospel presented in a way that made her realize that she had been choosing what she was willing to surrender to God.
In the sermon series he said "Until you go ALL IN with Christ you're not going to experience God that way you want to." This perfectly described her entire life up to this point.
For most of her life she would pick and choose what she was willing to bring to God because (1) she thought the sin in her life brought shame and she didn't want to approach God with it and (2) she thought there was certain things in her life that God wouldn't care about. She learned that she would never be the person God intended her to be unless she was willing to do both of those things.
She started to reflect on all the times in her life where she could have and should have invited God into the moemnt. She participated in a fast from the S's: Sweets, Secular Music, Social Media. During that time of eliminated distractions she committed to pouring her time and attention into God.
Lyndsay found community with April Braxton, the first friend that she truly talked to about God. Including the painful confession of struggles to victories over sin and everything in between. They encouraged one another to to grow in faith and practice spirtual disciplines.
At the end of the her fast from the S's she could tell God had changed her, but the one thing she was hestitant to do was get baptized. Several thoughts weighed heavily on her mind.
"I was already supposed to be the "Christian" kid, people are going to wonder what happened?
"I don't want to dishonor my family who was there for my first baptism when I was 7 years old, will they think that wasn't important to me?"
"I've always called myself a Christian, but up to this point, have I really been saved?"
Ultimately the Lord proved to be greater than any of Lyndsay's objections. She was baptized at Promised Land Church by Pastor Robin Steele on January 24th, 2014 in San Marcos, TX.