E3 Overview

June 6, 2023

E3 Overview

Every good coach has a clear game plan. Without it, they don’t stand a chance against their opponents. Jesus gave the Church a clear game plan to make disciples (see Matthew 28:19- 20). But practically, how do we do that? What’s the first step in making disciples?

FCA uses a method called E3 (Engage, Equip, Empower) that provides a clear strategy to help you execute God’s game plan. It’s designed to point you to the words and ways of Jesus to help you make disciples. E3 is founded on the disciple-making principles and patterns of Jesus, and we’re here nearly 2,000 years later because of these principles and patterns.

E3 is comprised of three main sections: Engage, Equip, and Empower. Each section includes four biblical principles of discipleship multiplication, equaling 12 total. Each principle contains training and tools. The training is composed of key Scriptures for you to read, an explanation of the principle, and action steps that you can apply in your life. The tools are a collection of specific resources to help you live out and implement each principle. Now, before moving forward, take a moment to think about the following question:

“Can you be a disciple without making disciples?”

Discipleship Methods

FCA has a big vision to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ and a clear and compelling mission to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. FCA’s approach to pursue that mission is through our Methods to help Coaches and Athletes become disciples of Jesus Christ who make disciples. Engage, Equip, and Empower is our discipleship process.



    “We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News, but our own lives, too” (1 Thessalonians 2:8).


    We Engage relationally with others in a variety of environments by building genuine trust, sharing our lives, and sharing the Gospel. We strive to connect with coaches and athletes where they are at on their spiritual journey.

    Discipleship Principles



    “Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12).


    After cultivating relationships and once coaches and athletes come to faith in Christ, we want to Equip them with Christ-centered training, tools, and ongoing support. We desire to Equip them with God’s Word so they can grow in Christ and help others know and grow in Him.

    Discipleship Principles



    “You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others” (2 Timothy 2:2).


    Once equipped, we Empower coaches and athletes to help others experience salvation in Jesus, grow in their faith, and share Him with others. We desire to Engage, Equip, and Empower coaches and athletes to make disciples who do the same to others.

    Discipleship Principles

The Bible is clear that all disciples are called to make disciples. As we follow Christ, we should strive to be like Him in every way, and that includes making disciples. If we trust Jesus for salvation and all of life, then our hearts must be aligned to follow His teachings and examples. Our prayer is that this method points you to the words and ways of the One who will guide you on the disciple-making journey!

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