Wil Gibson

Ryan Folkes • Feb 21, 2022

Wil Gibson - Junior - Arkansas Golf

Wil "Gibby" Gibson, a native of Jonesboro, AR, is currently a junior on the golf team at the University of Arkansas.

Wil grew up attending Highland Drive Baptist Church in Jonesboro, AR. At the age of 10 Wil remembers the church offering communion on one particular Sunday and Wil decided he wanted to partake in the Lord's Supper that day. He asked his mom if he could have some of the bread and juice and she told him that it was for people who have accepted Jesus. A very young and hungry Gibby then said, "Well... then I accept Jesus!" with hopes that he would be allowed to participate. Although it may have been a little misguided, we can all certainly appreciate the enthusiasm and passion he showed in church that day!

It was two years later that Wil did truly accept Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. When he looks back on that day he knows that he understood the decision he was making, but doesn't remember what compelled him. Almost as if it was a "I guess this is just what you do" moment. Nevertheless, he was a committed follower of Jesus and continued to grow in his faith!

Wil's parents were both leaders through Bible Study Fellowship International. He and several of his friends stay involved through their parents' leadership, but a time came when some of those friends started to taper off and, when given the choice, Wil went with them. Though it was small, this was the first step Wil took away from God.

At 16 years old, Wil's faith journey took a turn. An old preacher would say he was captivated by car fumes and perfumes. Once Wil got behind the wheel of that 2011 Silver Ford F-150 he felt like the whole world opened up to him. All of the sudden he could choose where we wanted to go, where he wanted to spend his time, what he wanted to chase. Once it became his choice what he wanted to follow, Jesus quickly fell down the priority list. For the next 5 years Wil experienced spiritual darkness. He had God-shaped hole in his heart that he tried to fill with anything else. He was lost.

But God wasn't done with Wil yet.

In March of 2021, at 21 years old, Wil found himself sitting amongst the congregation at New Heights Church in Fayetteville, AR. He doesn't remember what the sermon was that day, it wasn't something that was specifically convicting to him, but that didn't stop the Spirit for stirring in Wil's heart. The faint coals from the fire that was ignited at 12 years old still had some life left in them, and that day that flame was reignited. Wil rededicated his life to Christ. He was found.

Since then Wil has been learning how to pursue God all over again. He has been relearning how to flex those spiritual muscles he cultivated nearly a decade earlier. The first thing Wil committed to was growing his faith more than once a week. In addition to attending church he started to read daily devotionals and commit himself to prayer. In October of 2021 he started doing a weekly Bible study with an FCA area representative which has been maintained into the Spring 2022 semester.

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

- Joshua 1:9 -

Wil also regularly attends the weekly golf team huddle. When the snowstorm came through Northwest Arkansas early in the month of February, instead of cancelling the team huddle due to road conditions, he stepped up and led the huddle himself!

Wil came to the University of Arkansas as a golfer. It is true that Wil is still a Razorback and is still a golfer, but that is no longer the truest thing about him. Wil knows his identify is found in Christ alone.

“You could throw away my clubs and I still know who I am in Christ.”

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