Maggie O'Hara

Ryan Folkes • Mar 22, 2022

Maggie O'Hara - Graduate - Arkansas Gymnastics

Born in Connecticut, but raised in Lexington, South Carolina is Sixth Year Graduate student Maggie O'Hara. Maggie competes in the Uneven Bars and Balance Beam for the Razorback Gymnastics team.

Maggie's faith has always been a priority in her life. It started with her parents making sure the family made it to church every Sunday and continue to manifest itself with Maggie's participation in things like SOAR Soccer, a Christian soccer league in South Carolina, and FCA throughout middle and high school.

As a sophomore in high school Maggie started a ministry called "Impact" where the aim was to lead teammates to Christ on a peer-to-peer level. Though there were adult oversees, every Tuesday for 3 years the ministry activities themselves were led entirely by students

Before Maggie arrived at the University of Arkansas she spent four years at the University of Michigan where she got her undergrad degree in movement science. While at Michigan Maggie struggled to find the same kind of strong faith community that she had so valued throughout grade school. Not only did her own teammates not prioritize their faith, they seemed to actively attempt to hinder anyone else on the team from walking with with Christ by doing things like scheduling practices or lifts on Sunday mornings.

Maggie found a spiritual ally in an upperclassman named Brianna Brown. Brianna took Maggie under her wing. She kept her grounded in her faith and reminded her of truths like just because other people don't value your walk with Christ doesn't mean you have to stop. Occasionally Maggie and Briana would sneak off to Church on Sunday mornings!

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

- James 1:2-3 -

As a junior Maggie started attending AIA events at Michigan where they would have one large monthly meeting followed by weekly small groups. Maggie was leading girls on the water polo team, golf team, and other gymnasts in Bible study. As a senior Maggie finally felt like her faith had a place at the University of Michigan. Another teammate, Lauren Ibsen, had come alongside her and continue to push and support her as she grew and together the two of them started to change the culture around faith around Michigan athletics.

Then COVID hit.

While at home during the early stages of the pandemic, Maggie spent a lot of time thinking, digging deeper, considering who she wanted to be. She had been participating in weekly zoom meetings with other graduating seniors where they discussed how to stay diligent in your walk with Christ when you no longer had the resources you have in college. She knew her time at Michigan had come to an end, but she wasn't ready to hang up the leo' yet. She entered the transfer portal and begin talking to coaches all around the country, including the coaching staff here at the University of Arkansas.

Maggie had never been to Arkansas or has any family from Arkansas, but the Lord blessed her with a peace that surpasses all understanding that the University of Arkansas was where she was supposed to go next. Every time she went to the Lord in prayer He made it more and more clear that the door to Fayetteville was wide open and she just had to faithfully step through.

Maggie arrived on campus in August of 2020. Upon arrival Cortez McCraney, director of FCA at the University of Arkansas, sent her a direct message on Instagram inviting her to the first Multi-sport huddle of the Fall semester. She went to that huddle alongside a handful of teammates and loved it. Cortez asked her what she was looking for in FCA and Maggie told him she just needed a really strong faith community.

She had found one.

She was not only surrounded by teammates who prioritized faith like she did, but she even had a coach, Katelyn Orel, who led the team Bible study! Sometimes those Bible studies lasted 30-40 minutes, but sometimes they would last up to two hours because of how intent and vulnerable each person was with each other. It was further affirmation that God had led Maggie exactly where she was supposed to be.

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.

- Exodus 14:14 -

For the next two years FCA was every bit the the community builder she hoped it would be. She not only built Christ-centered friendships with her teammates and coaches, but also connected with other Jesus-following athletes at the University of Arkansas that she may not have known otherwise.

She also connected with FCA Ambassador Erin Rybak where their friendship grew through one-on-one time together. When Maggie had her hip surgery she remembers Erin consistently checking in on her, praying for her, and reminding her that she's not alone.

After the Spring of 2022 Maggie will be transferring to the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) where she has been accepted into OT school. One thing Maggie knows is that seasons of her life may come to an end and new ones may begin, God doesn't change. Whether she wears a leotard or set of scrubs, God doesn't change. Maggie knows who she is in Christ and will carry that with her always.

"I know my purpose in God is bigger than my purpose as a gymnast."

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