Lawson Blake

Ryan Folkes • Nov 22, 2021

Lawson Blake - Arkansas Razorback Basketball

Lawson Blake is a freshman Forward from Fayetteville, Arkansas. Being a hometown kid, Lawson always desired to play for the Razorbacks. Despite having some other offers, he believed in himself and chose to walk-on at the University of Arkansas. This season you'll see him wearing #45.

Lawson grew up in a Christian home. His family went to church every Sunday they were able and he spent his summers at Christian camps such as T Bar M. At 8 years old his family moved from the Woodlands in Texas (a suburb of Houston) to Fayetteville, AR.

Lawson's faith journey temporarily plateaued in high school. During that time he didn't surround himself with believers which he confesses made it difficult to be bold in and grow in his faith. He didn't feel comfortable being the "Christian guy" on the team so he felt the best course of action was to simply keep his faith to himself.

Upon graduating from Fayetteville High School, Lawson spent a year at Link Year Prep (through Kanakuk camps) where his faith was reignited! This new community that he was surrounded by was not only full of faithful followers of Jesus Christ, but also pushed Lawson to take hold of his faith as well. Where he once felt uncomfortable being the "Christian guy" on the team, he now embraces what that means and what the Bible tells us in Paul's letter to the Romans.

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.

- Romans 1:16 -

Lawson's experience and growth he experienced with his family of faith at Link Year Prep encouraged him to seek a new family of faith upon arriving at the University of Arkansas. He quickly found that community with FCA. He quickly became a regular at Multi-sport Huddles on Monday nights when all athletes gather together. Beyond this he began meeting weekly with FCA Intern Ethan Westerman where they are studying 1 John.

In addition to this, Lawson still attends church with his family every Sunday at Fellowship Fayetteville and goes to Cross Church's collegiate ministry (C3) on Wednesday nights with his friends.

Lawson faithfully stepped into a servant-leader role where he co-leads the basketball team huddle alongside UARK FCA Area Director Cortez McCraney. Lawson is learning how to balance relationships with teammates without being overly aggressive with his faith, but not sacrificing boldness in his faith. He believes that FCA provides the best way for him to reach out to others about sharing the Gospel.

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